The art of manifestation has been an area of practice for people for centuries. And although it seems like yet another media trend.. the principe of manifestation and The Law of Attraction is nothing new. In New Thought Philosophy, manifestation is described as "the belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences… Continue reading MANIFESTATION – I DID THE RESEARCH SO YOU DON’T HAVE TO

UPDATE: 8 months contraception-free

I've had a handful of messages in relation to one of my previous posts - "Coming off the contraceptive pill after 10 years". So I thought I'd do a little update for anyone who might be curious as to what happened next. So after taking my daily dose of synthetic hormones for over a decade,… Continue reading UPDATE: 8 months contraception-free


Is it the happy people that are grateful, or the grateful people that are happy? Studies show that people who regularly practice gratitude tend to be more happy and less depressed. Something as simple as taking the time to reflect on the things you're thankful for, such as a good conversation or a reallyyyyy good… Continue reading GRATITUDE DURING A GLOBAL PANDEMIC ?


Is it feasible for a young, active woman in 2020 to not be on any kind of physical contraception? Or is it reckless and naive? For years I believed the latter. But more recently, and after reading several "coming off" stories written by likeminded women, my thoughts and feelings towards the subject have been broadened somewhat. … Continue reading COMING OFF THE CONTRACEPTIVE PILL AFTER 10 YEARS – A revelation? Thoughts & feelz

Tattoo Tour

I've been weighing up the idea of a tattoo-related post since I started my blog two years ago. But as the old saying goes.. there's no time like the quarantine. And, since yesterday was such a glorious day, I took full advantage and papped my tattoos out in the Costa del Ancoats sunshine. I'm sure… Continue reading Tattoo Tour

Life update with your average Joe

This post is slightly different to my last few. It's not subject-specific and it won't be very informative.. However, I love reading this sort of tripe and so I'm guessing other people do, too. So, what's new in the life of me I hear nobody ask? Well.. A few things really. In September last year… Continue reading Life update with your average Joe

Improving Your Mindset

This post is written in collaboration with Rossendale Women’s Society Without a proper mindset, it's common for people to find themselves distracted by daily life. Or, find themselves experiencing 'Shiny Object Syndrome' whereby you're always distracted by the latest and greatest idea, and so you very rarely follow one path through to the end. Sound… Continue reading Improving Your Mindset

Maybe this can help someone somewhere

The year 2019 has brought with it the extremely sad and shattering news of four young suicides (18-25 years) in my area. FOUR. My deepest and most sincere condolences to everyone affected. When reading news articles on the devastating and hauntingly similar deaths of these young people in my hometown, statements from friends and loved… Continue reading Maybe this can help someone somewhere

A little bit about mercury retrograde and why everybody’s talking about it

At the moment, it seems like Mercury retrograde is everybody's excuse for all of their problems (guilty). But what is it? And what does it actually mean? Currently, I have pretty moderate knowledge on the subject so I thought it'd be insightful for us both if I did a bit of research for this post,… Continue reading A little bit about mercury retrograde and why everybody’s talking about it

The Pendle Witches ~ a true story

Make yourself a Yorkshire tea and grab a couple of shortbread biscuits (full packet encouraged) - we're going to talk about witchez. Since being a little jelly tot, I've always been fascinated by tales of The Pendle Witches. And, since spooky season is well and truly upon us.. what better time than now to write… Continue reading The Pendle Witches ~ a true story

A “what feminism means to me” collaboration

So a fellow blogger and sister named Gabriella Marsden reached out to people who wanted to collaborate in a "what feminism means to me" post. And of course your gal jumped at the opportunity to talk about some shit that actually matters. Come join the girl gang over on Gaby's insta To me.. the… Continue reading A “what feminism means to me” collaboration

Owls & olives. A new venture.

Alright so it's maybe more of a hobby than a new business venture because realistically.. I won't be raking in the big bucks anytime soon. But it's like with any hobby - you start due to a genuine interest and passion. It also helps that I want something to invest some time, effort and energy… Continue reading Owls & olives. A new venture.

Drugs ‘and alcohol’

Following a discussion with a friend about the incidence and prevalence of illicit drugs, in comparison to the incidence and prevalence of alcohol (whereby our opinions different considerably), I thought it might be cool and/or insightful to do a post on drugs and alcohol. And since I'm studying a masters of science in Addiction(s), I'm hoping… Continue reading Drugs ‘and alcohol’

Curiouser and curiouser

The time is currently 4:03am and I'm wide eyed and feeling restless so what better time than now to write a new post. Sleep has never really been my thing but girl, this retrograde has got me fucked up. Thankfully I'm one of those really annoying morning people and those first few hours of the… Continue reading Curiouser and curiouser

September you little rascal

Just a little disclaimer to say that this is not intended to be a neggy post. I am genuinely obsessed with my life. I'm merely reflecting on recent events and getting some lols in during the process. After all, if you can't laugh at your own misfortune then you're in trouble! So a couple of… Continue reading September you little rascal

Living in the here and now

Ever feel like you're failing to reach a state of total contentment in life? Like there's always something you need to do first in order to achieve optimum levels of happiness? Whether it's to get a new car, find yourself a job you actually like or lose X amount of weight, this "when I get… Continue reading Living in the here and now

Spirituality & balancing emotions

So the first thoughts that spring to mind when writing the title of this blog post being... where am I going to start and how am I going to fit in even half of what i want to say.. So maybe I'll start by attempting to define, in some way, what spirituality is first and… Continue reading Spirituality & balancing emotions


Alright so I thought I could start by acknowledging the fact that i have revamped my blog with a new name. I wanted something that was tailored, easy to remember and something that would compliment my content and the vibes going on in this space. So after brainstorming for a while I came up with… Continue reading Beauty


You've seen the "jobs fill your pockets, adventures fill your soul" quotes plastered all over the internet, and as toe curlingly cringey as some of them are there's definitely an element of truth behind them. I was hoping perhaps by sharing with you the benefits and pure enjoyment of travel, that it might entice some… Continue reading Travel


Before I downloaded the WordPress app on my phone yesterday I read a couple of articles on 'tips for blogger beginners' and watched a YouTube video on how to start a blog, so I guess you could say I'm a pro now. One reiterated piece of advice is to start with an introductory post, introducing… Continue reading Intro